How Bratty Catty Came to Be

I originally got this domain to do a line of sassy t-shirts, but like many of my business ideas, never really launched that. Then a few years down the road I contemplated a celebrity gossip-style column ala Perez Hilton when I was writing about pop culture. But finally, I realized this is the most obvious use for the domain. D’oh!

The whole “Bratty Catty” name came from one of 10 gazillion pet names for my cat (you know, the “unofficial” names you call them.) Bratty Catty, Sassy Lassy, Miss Kitty, Baby Girl, Monkey Butt… Don’t judge, you know you do it too.

Anyway, my current feline fur babies — who came from the same litter — are officially named Dexter and Pandora, aka Dex and Dora, aka Baby Girl and Baby Boy, etc. You get the idea. So I thought I would include a gallery of my bratty catties that I love to death and are the inspiration for this page. Enjoy the gratuitous cute cat photos here and throughout the site!


(your new favorite crazy cat lady)

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